Living in our supported housing properties allows our service users to have a space they can call their own. It is a space where they feel safe and are assured by the fact that care and extra support is close by and easily accessible when they require it. Some of our accommodation is semi- independent and are visited by our psychotherapists and outreach staff between the hours of 8am- 9pm seven days a week to ensure the safeguarding of our service users.
Every effort is made to create a warm and homely environment in all our properties. We strongly believe that supported housing, need not look and feel institutional. All tenants are encouraged to personalise their rooms by gradually buying items which they will take with them when they move on. We want them to feel at home.
Why we are different from others
Our highly experienced Keyworkers provide positive role models and help our residents to develop practical skills they need to look after themselves when they move on to live on their own. We provide 24hours support to our young people including waking nights. The type of accommodation we offer varies depending on the young person’s need. However, no matter which one of our supported housing services they live in, staff will always support our young people to work towards their goals and build their confidence for the future.
Our support packages include help with accommodation, housing applications, managing their own finances, preparing meals, resilience building as well as supporting them to find employment, training, and further education. We act as an advocate providing guidance and signposting them to relevant networks/agencies. We also provide in house training/workshops on Raising aspirations, increasing their self-confidence via groupwork as well as equipping them to build their resilience and recognising triggers.